Skin Booster

What is Skin Booster?

Skin booster is a bio-revitalizer treatment that illuminates the skin, improves skin complexion and reduces fine lines and wrinkles. It is a unique injectable that brings fast and long-lasting results. The injectable skin booster consists of amino acids and triggers powerful fibroblast in the skin. It also stimulates the production of elastin and collagen and keeps the skin plump and elastic. Skin booster are ideal for patients who want to keep their facial skin radiant and healthy, but also improving saggy skin in the lower area of the face. It firms the jawline and reduces smile lines. It can dramatically improve dry skin because it helps the skin retain water, which in turn makes the face radiant. It subtly lifts the skin and improves aging sign.

Benefits of Skin Booster

The skin booster is a blend of powerful ingredients, one of them being Hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid keeps the skin hydrated and youthful looking but also, reverses facial skin aging and improves skin’s laxity. The results are achieved in just a couple of sessions, during which this skin booster is injected with fine needles just beneath the skin. This treatment does not add volume to the facial areas like traditional fillers but rather keeps the natural look of the face and have many benefits such as :

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Skin Booster aftercare:

The treated area may have little raised bumps and redness for a brief time after treatment. In most these will disappear an hour or 2 after treatment, in some they will take 24 hours to settle completely.

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